
MDGs to SDGs

22 Novembro 2022, 11:00 Maria Helena Esteves

Transition from the MDGs to the SDGs 

The preparation of the 2030 Agenda: UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (UNCSD) - RIO +20 (2012).
Assessment of 20 years after Rio 1992 - Back to our common future.

First Test (second call)

18 Novembro 2022, 11:00 Maria Helena Esteves

First test (second call)

Room SIG3

Group work session

17 Novembro 2022, 15:00 Maria Helena Esteves

Group work activities:

- Decide a basic group contract (use the one from the previous group work, share it with group members, all should sign)

- Decide which project will be studied – and check information about it (already shared).

- Discuss the memorandum and fill in the SQCAAP (page 3) to help organize future tasks.

- Define the objectives to be achieved and how you will organize the SWOT analysis.

- Divide tasks till next meeting of the group.

First test

15 Novembro 2022, 11:00 Maria Helena Esteves

First test (room SIG 3).

Second group work

10 Novembro 2022, 15:00 Maria Helena Esteves

Group organization and guidelines about the second groupwork.

Defining objectives and future readings.