Tourism makes the world go round...
6 Outubro 2021, 18:00 • Maria José Pereira Pires
Reading about and discussing the following ideas:
Being a tourist is easy, but tourism is complex
Q. is it still the fastest growing industry today?
Q. Who should it benefit? And who does?
Debunking/deflating: Leakage
People are central
Tourism will not change if the tourist does not
The onus on every tourist - think beyond ourselves
Tourism should benefit & not exploit, in a process of democratization that makes tourism development inclusive and consultative
Checking some definitions in the GLOSSARY OF TOURISM TERMS and the UNWTO page concerning the Tourism day 2020.
Introducing the subject and oral assessment
29 Setembro 2021, 18:00 • Maria José Pereira Pires
Introducing the subject (program, references and guidelines for the oral presentations). Oral assessment.