Grandes Espacios Geográficos. Madrid: UNED, 2 vols.: AZCÁRATE LUXÁN, B. et al.2009
Geography: Regions, Realms and Concepts. 15ª edição. New York: John Wiley.: BLIJ, H. J.; MULLER, P. O.; NIJMAN, J.2012
The Asian Mediterranean: port cities and trading networks in China, Japan and south China, 13th-21st century. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar: GIPOULOUX, F.2011
Atlas du Japon: Après Fukushima, une société fragilisée. Paris: Editions Autrement.: PELLETIER, P.2012
Dragons and Tigers: a geography of South, East, and Southeast Asia. 3ª edição. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., pp. 1-25.: WEIGHTMAN, Barbara A.2011
Essentials of World Regional Geography. 2ª edição. New York. McGraw-Hill.: WHITE, G.; DYMOND, J.; CHACKO, E.; BRADSHAW, M.2011
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