
Essay clinic on the group work composed by 2 students.

8 Maio 2024, 15:00 Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves

Essay clinic on the group work composed by 2 students. How to write an engaging conclusion. APA referencing systems in text citations and referencing list. Supervision of the groups already defining their essay.



Abdou, Leila Hadj; Geddes, Andrew (2020). Managing superdiversity? Examining the intercultural policy turn in Europe. In: Superdiversity, policy and governance in Europe. Policy Press, p. 7-28.

Häkli, Jouni; Kudžmaitė, Gintarė; Kallio, Kirsi Pauliina (2024). Devaluing personhood: The framing of migrants in the EU's new pact on migration and asylum, Transactions of the Institute of the British Geographers (

Penninx, Rinus, Karen Kraal, Marco Martiniello, and Stephen Vertovec (2004). Introduction: European Cities and Their New Residents. In Citizenship in European Cities. Immigrants, Local Politics and Integration Policies, eds. Rinus Penninx, Karen Kraal, Marco Martiniello, and Stephen Vertovec, 3–17. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing.

Castles, S. (2010). Understanding global migration: A social transformation perspective, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 36(10), pp. 1565–1586.

van Doorn, Niels; Ferrari, Fabian; Graham, Mark (2022). Migration and migrant labour in the gig economy: An intervention, Work, Employment and Society, Volume 37, Issue 4 (


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Essay clinic 4

6 Maio 2024, 15:00 Amandine Françoise Danielle Desille

Individual feedback 

Introduction and conclusion 

Essay clinic 3

29 Abril 2024, 15:00 Amandine Françoise Danielle Desille


Individual feedback 

Essay clinic on the group work composed by 2 students.

24 Abril 2024, 15:00 Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves

Essay clinic on the group work composed by 2 students. Definition of an essay. Purposes, and types of essays: Narrative essay, Expository essay, Analytical essay and Argumentative essay. Essay structure. Supporting evidence and analysis.



Abdou, Leila Hadj; Geddes, Andrew (2020). Managing superdiversity? Examining the intercultural policy turn in Europe. In: Superdiversity, policy and governance in Europe. Policy Press, p. 7-28.

Häkli, Jouni; Kudžmaitė, Gintarė; Kallio, Kirsi Pauliina (2024). Devaluing personhood: The framing of migrants in the EU's new pact on migration and asylum, Transactions of the Institute of the British Geographers (

Penninx, Rinus, Karen Kraal, Marco Martiniello, and Stephen Vertovec (2004). Introduction: European Cities and Their New Residents. In Citizenship in European Cities. Immigrants, Local Politics and Integration Policies, eds. Rinus Penninx, Karen Kraal, Marco Martiniello, and Stephen Vertovec, 3–17. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing.

Castles, S. (2010). Understanding global migration: A social transformation perspective, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 36(10), pp. 1565–1586.

van Doorn, Niels; Ferrari, Fabian; Graham, Mark (2022). Migration and migrant labour in the gig economy: An intervention, Work, Employment and Society, Volume 37, Issue 4 (


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Essay clinic 2

22 Abril 2024, 15:00 Amandine Françoise Danielle Desille

Essay clinic

Brainstorming and pre-writing techniques 
Writing a thesis statement
Evidence-based writing