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  • Breve história do Urbanismo, Coleção Dimensões. Lisboa: Editorial Presença.: Goitia, F. C. 1982
  • Introducing Planning. London: The Athlone Press. [Partes 1, 2 e 3]: Greed, C. 2000
  • The Theory and Practice of Regional Planning. London: Routledge. [Caps.1, 2, 5]: Hall, P. 2002, 1ªed. 1975
  • Spatial Planning Systems in Western Europe. Delft: Delft University Press. [Caps. 4, 5, e 6].: Larsson, G. 2006
  • The Purpose of Planning: Creating Sustainable Towns and Cities. UK: The Policy Press, University of Bristol.: Rydin, Y. 2011
  • Planning Theory. London: Palgrave: Allmendiger, Philip 2009
  • The Theory and Practice of Regional Planning. London: Routledge. [Caps.1, 2, 5]: Hall, Peter 2002, 1ªed. 1975
  • Território y Estados: Farinós Dasí (coord.) 2018 Territorio y Estados
  • The Oxford Handbook of Urban Planning: Weber, Rachel & Crane, Randall 2012 The Oxford Handbook of Urban Planning
  • Insurgencies. Essays in Planning Theory: Friedmann, John 2011 Insurgencies. Essays in Planning Theory


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