The Effects of EU enlargement to the East in 2004 concerning industry and FDI in Portugal. Supervision of the students’ research essays.
8 Maio 2017, 08:00 • Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves
The Effects of EU enlargement to the East in 2004 concerning industry and FDI in Portugal. Brief insight into European industry: some trends, strengths and weaknesses. Weaknesses of the Portuguese production system concerning competitiveness using the criteria of the World Economic Forum report. Analysis of the text “Portugal e o alargamento da União Europeia: alguns impactos socioeconómicos” (José Caetano, Aurora Galego & Sofia Costa, 2005).
José Caetano,
Aurora Galego & Sofia Costa (2005) – “Portugal e o alargamento da União
Europeia: alguns impactos sócio-económicos”, Análise Social, vol. XL
(175), pp. 255-278
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