Analysis of the Community financial programming 2007-2013 period.
9 Maio 2018, 15:00 • Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves
Analysis of the Community financial programming 2007-2013 period. Priorities for the Development of the Portuguese Regions. The Community strategic guidelines for Cohesion Policy 2007-2013. The new rules on the regional eligibility of interventions and the different access to funds by the Portuguese regions. The design and strategic priorities for the application of funds in Portugal. Implementation of the Structural and Cohesion Funds for the 2007-2013 period by region and fund.
Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos e Sociedade de Consultores Augusto Mateus & Associados, (2015) Três décadas de Portugal europeu: balanço e perspectivas, Julho de 2015. Lisboa, Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos. ( ).
Harvey Armstrong (2011) “Regional policy”, in Ali M. El-Agraa (ed.), The European Union Economics and Policies, 9th edition, chapter 22, pp. 348-363. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.