IV - The role and position of Portugal concerning the 2004 EU enlargement. 4.1 - The Effects of EU enlargement to the East in 2004 concerning the Portuguese agriculture.

23 Abril 2018, 15:00 Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves

The role and position of Portugal concerning the 2004 EU enlargement. The four interlinked dimensions of Portuguese policy. Domestic dimension and the external dimension. Portugal’s the constructivist approach and the rationalist-interest approach. The objectives of the Common Agricultural Policy. The challenges of overproduction and the reforms implemented (the 1992 reform, the Agenda 2000, the Fischler reform of 2003 and the 2013 reform). The evolution of the CAP budget. The position of Portugal in the 2004 enlargement.



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Link: https://elearning.ulisboa.pt/course/view.php?id=45