Reading and analysis of two texts concerning the Revolutionary Period and the joining of the EEC.

26 Março 2018, 15:00 Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves

3.1 - Analysis of the political and economic developments of the pre-accession period. Analysis of the first section of the text “Portugal: 40 Years of Democracy and Integration in the European Union” authored by Ricardo Cabral and Viriato Soromenho Marques (2014) and also of a section of the text “Portugal and European Integration, 1947–1992” authored by Lucia Coppolaro and Pedro Lains.



Ricardo Cabral and Viriato Soromenho Marques (2014) - “Portugal: 40 Years of Democracy and Integration in the European Union” ( ).

Lucia Coppolaro and Pedro Lains (2013) – “Portugal and European Integration, 1947–1992: an essay on protected openness in the European Periphery”, e-JPH vol.11 no.1 Porto ( ).

