Second written test for students under the Study in Portugal Programme and the Erasmus exchange programme.

28 Maio 2018, 15:00 Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves

Second written test for students under the Study in Portugal Programme and the Erasmus exchange programme.

There will be two more dates for the second written test set by IGOT's Pedagogic Commission (4/6/2018 and 12/6/2018).



Rajneesh Narula and Christian Bellak (2009) - “EU enlargement and consequences for FDI assisted industrial development”, Transnational Corporations, vol. 18, no.2, August, pp.69-90 (available at: )

Applica, Ismeri Europa and Cambridge Economic Associates (2016) - Ex-post evaluation of Cohesion Policy programmes 2007-2013, focusing on the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Cohesion Fund (CF). Brussels, European Commission.


Harvey Armstrong (2011) “Regional policy”, in Ali M. El-Agraa (ed.), The European Union Economics and Policies, 9th edition, chapter 22, pp. 348-363. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

