Support to the draft plans of the group essays.
28 Março 2018, 15:00 • Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves
Support to the draft plans of the group essays.
The determinants of gastronomic tourists' satisfaction: a second‐order factor analysis, Antónia Correia ; Miguel Moital ; Carlos Ferreira Da Costa ; Rita Peres (2008)
BENTO, N., FONTES, M. (2015): Spatial diffusion and the formation of a technological innovation system in the receiving country: The case of wind energy in Portugal. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, vol. 15, p. 158-179.
Pereira, J., St. Aubyn, M. (2009). What level of education matters most for growth? Evidence from Portugal. Econ Educ Rev 28
Andrade, J. S., Duarte, A., Simões, M. (2011). Inequality and growth in Portugal: a time series analysis. GEMF Working Papers Series
Mendes, L. (2017) – ”Tourism gentrification in Lisbon: neoliberalism, financialization and austerity urbanism in the period of the 2008-2009 capitalist post-crisis”, Cad. Metrop., São Paulo, v. 19, n. 39, pp. 479-512, maio/ago 2017.