The refugee crisis and irregular migration: Policy and social challenges and responses
11 Novembro 2016, 10:00 • Jennifer Leigh McGarrigle Montezuma de Carvalho
Ruben Andersson (2016): Europe's failed ‘fight’ against irregular migration: ethnographic notes on a counterproductive industry, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2016.1139446
Student presentation Jakub Holod, Jakub Novotny
Migration policy in the EU: Securitization and control vs free movement. Part 2
8 Novembro 2016, 13:00 • Jennifer Leigh McGarrigle Montezuma de Carvalho
• EU Migration Control
– Intra-EU free Mobility (tension EU level policies and member-states policies/ intensions versus outcomes)
– Policies (in transition) towards third country nationals:
• Migration Management
• Asylum System
• Borders
Favell, A. “Immigration, migration and free movement in the making of Europe” chap. in European Identity, edited by Jeffey C.Checkel and Peter J.Katzenstein, Cambridge University Press, Jan 2009, pp.167-189.
Geddes, Andrew. 2014. “The European Union: Supranational Governance and the Remaking of European Migration Policy and Politics.” In Controlling Immigration: A Global Perspective. 3rd ed., edited by James F. Hollifield, Philip L. Martin, and Pia M. Orrenius, 433–451. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
James Hampshire (2016) European migration governance since the Lisbon treaty: introduction to the special issue, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42:4, 537-553, DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2015.1103033
van Houtum, H., & Pijpers, R. (2007). The European Union as a Gated Community: The Two-faced Border and Immigration Regime of the EU.Antipode, 39(2), 291-309. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8330.2007.00522.x
Good response to the Commissions proposal to reform the Common Asylum System: Enderlein and Koenig, (2016 )TOWARDS DUBLIN IV: SHARING NORMS, RESPONSIBILITY AND COSTS, Policy Paper 169, Jacques Delors Institut – Berlin
Refugees across the Mediterranean: humanitarian tragedy and crisis of the EU
4 Novembro 2016, 10:00 • Jennifer Leigh McGarrigle Montezuma de Carvalho
Conference - Invited speaker (joint with PhD Migration students)
Refugees across the Mediterranean: humanitarian tragedy and crisis of the EU
Prof. Joaquin Arango, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Public Holiday
1 Novembro 2016, 13:00 • Jennifer Leigh McGarrigle Montezuma de Carvalho
Public holiday
Migration theory- discussion
28 Outubro 2016, 10:00 • Jennifer Leigh McGarrigle Montezuma de Carvalho
Most authors writing about migration theory reject the possibility or desirability of a‘grand’ or ‘complete’ theory of migration. Discuss.
Castles, S. (2010) Understanding Global Migration a Social transformation Perspective, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Volume 36, Issue 10
Student Presentations: Bernardo Coelho, Steffen Dibue, Daniel Iffert