
Migration policy in the EU: Securitization and control vs free movement. Part 1

25 Outubro 2016, 13:00 Jennifer Leigh McGarrigle Montezuma de Carvalho

• EU Migration Control

– Intra-EU free Mobility (tension EU level policies and member-states policies/ intensions versus outcomes)

 – Policies (in transition) towards third country nationals:

• Migration Management

• Asylum System

• Borders


 Favell, A. “Immigration, migration and free movement in the making of Europe” chap. in European Identity, edited by Jeffey C.Checkel and Peter J.Katzenstein, Cambridge University Press, Jan 2009, pp.167-189.  

Geddes, Andrew. 2014. “The European Union: Supranational Governance and the Remaking of European Migration Policy and Politics.” In Controlling Immigration: A Global Perspective. 3rd ed., edited by James F. Hollifield, Philip L. Martin, and Pia M. Orrenius, 433–451. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.  

James Hampshire (2016) European migration governance since the Lisbon treaty: introduction to the special issue, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42:4, 537-553, DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2015.1103033 

 van Houtum, H., & Pijpers, R. (2007). The European Union as a Gated Community: The Two-faced Border and Immigration Regime of the EU.Antipode, 39(2), 291-309. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8330.2007.00522.x

Good response to the Commissions proposal to reform the Common Asylum System:   Enderlein and Koenig, (2016 )TOWARDS DUBLIN IV: SHARING NORMS, RESPONSIBILITY AND COSTS, Policy Paper 169, Jacques Delors Institut – Berlin

How to write an essay and introduction of essay topics

21 Outubro 2016, 10:00 Jennifer Leigh McGarrigle Montezuma de Carvalho

How to write an essay and introduction of essay topics

Please select one question from the list below. It is important to write to the precise essay title, not just the general theme.

Your essay should draw on the key references specific to each question outlined in this document. The use of additional literature may strengthen your essay if used well.

Length 3,000 words.

Please use the Harvard Referencing System. 

Theories of International Migration

18 Outubro 2016, 13:00 Jennifer Leigh McGarrigle Montezuma de Carvalho

Theories of International Migration

Neoclassical (macro)

Neoclassical economics (micro)

New Economics Labour Migration

Dual Labor Market Structural

World systems theory Structural

Network theory

Migration system


Castles, Miller and deHaas (2014) Theories of Migration – Chapter 2, in The Age of Migration. Palgrave Macmillan. 

King (2012) Theories and Typologies of Migration: An Overview and A Primer, Willy Brandt Series of Working Papers in International Migration and Ethnic Relations 3/12

Discussion "Diversifying Diversity": Challenges of super diversity for policy and research

14 Outubro 2016, 10:00 Jennifer Leigh McGarrigle Montezuma de Carvalho



Steven Vertovec (2007) Super-diversity and its implications, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 30:6, 1024-1054, DOI: 10.1080/01419870701599465 


The challenge of super-diversity for integration and immigration policy.


Methodologies for research new forms of migration and mobility.


Migration after 1973 to the 1990s: the period of economic restructuring / the epoch of globalization

11 Outubro 2016, 13:00 Jennifer Leigh McGarrigle Montezuma de Carvalho

Why did the GW system decline after 1973/4?

1974‐1985: period of consolidation

Epoch of globalization: Migration and new forms of mobility

• Transition of Southern European countries from countries of emigration to immigration/ transit countries; • Increases in irregular migration & legalization policies. • Collapse of the Soviet bloc E‐W migration • Mass movements of asylum seekers/refugees S‐N & E‐W • Increase in demand for qualified migrants; • New opportunities for those working in the secondary labour market (increasing education levels & aspirations of natives) e.g. women in personal services and health care (feminization). • Continued migration to “classic countries” (Oceania & N. America); • Internal & international migration in NICs; • Oil rich countries recruit foreign labour (less‐developed countries);

Castles, S. and Miller, M. (2009) ‘Migration to Europe, North America and Oceania since 1945’ in The Age of Migration. International Population Movements in the Modern World. Fourth Edition. London: Palgrave (Chapter 5)

Castles,S. and Miller, M. (2009) ‘The State and International Migration: The quest for Control’ in The Age of Migration. International Population Movements in the Modern World. Fourth Edition. London: Palgrave.

Statham, P. (2003) Understanding Anti‐Asylum Rhetoric: Restrictive Policies or Racist Publics. In Spencer, S. (ed) The Politics of Migration. Managing Opportunity, Conflict and Change Blackwell: Oxford.