Pausa lectiva da Páscoa.
2 Abril 2018, 15:00 • Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves
Pausa lectiva da Páscoa.
Support to the draft plans of the group essays.
28 Março 2018, 15:00 • Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves
Support to the draft plans of the group essays.
The determinants of gastronomic tourists' satisfaction: a second‐order factor analysis, Antónia Correia ; Miguel Moital ; Carlos Ferreira Da Costa ; Rita Peres (2008)
BENTO, N., FONTES, M. (2015): Spatial diffusion and the formation of a technological innovation system in the receiving country: The case of wind energy in Portugal. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, vol. 15, p. 158-179.
Pereira, J., St. Aubyn, M. (2009). What level of education matters most for growth? Evidence from Portugal. Econ Educ Rev 28
Andrade, J. S., Duarte, A., Simões, M. (2011). Inequality and growth in Portugal: a time series analysis. GEMF Working Papers Series
Mendes, L. (2017) – ”Tourism gentrification in Lisbon: neoliberalism, financialization and austerity urbanism in the period of the 2008-2009 capitalist post-crisis”, Cad. Metrop., São Paulo, v. 19, n. 39, pp. 479-512, maio/ago 2017.
Support to the draft plans of the group essays.
28 Março 2018, 15:00 • Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves
Support to the draft plans of the group essays.
The determinants of gastronomic tourists' satisfaction: a second‐order factor analysis, Antónia Correia ; Miguel Moital ; Carlos Ferreira Da Costa ; Rita Peres (2008)
BENTO, N., FONTES, M. (2015): Spatial diffusion and the formation of a technological innovation system in the receiving country: The case of wind energy in Portugal. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, vol. 15, p. 158-179.
Pereira, J., St. Aubyn, M. (2009). What level of education matters most for growth? Evidence from Portugal. Econ Educ Rev 28
Andrade, J. S., Duarte, A., Simões, M. (2011). Inequality and growth in Portugal: a time series analysis. GEMF Working Papers Series
Mendes, L. (2017) – ”Tourism gentrification in Lisbon: neoliberalism, financialization and austerity urbanism in the period of the 2008-2009 capitalist post-crisis”, Cad. Metrop., São Paulo, v. 19, n. 39, pp. 479-512, maio/ago 2017.
Reading and analysis of two texts concerning the Revolutionary Period and the joining of the EEC.
26 Março 2018, 15:00 • Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves
3.1 - Analysis of the political and economic developments of the pre-accession period. Analysis of the first section of the text “Portugal: 40 Years of Democracy and Integration in the European Union” authored by Ricardo Cabral and Viriato Soromenho Marques (2014) and also of a section of the text “Portugal and European Integration, 1947–1992” authored by Lucia Coppolaro and Pedro Lains.
Ricardo Cabral and Viriato Soromenho Marques (2014) - “Portugal: 40 Years of Democracy and Integration in the European Union” ( ).
Lucia Coppolaro and Pedro Lains (2013) – “Portugal and European Integration, 1947–1992: an essay on protected openness in the European Periphery”, e-JPH vol.11 no.1 Porto ( ).
Reading and analysis of two texts concerning the Revolutionary Period and the joining of the EEC.
26 Março 2018, 15:00 • Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves
3.1 - Analysis of the political and economic developments of the pre-accession period. Analysis of the first section of the text “Portugal: 40 Years of Democracy and Integration in the European Union” authored by Ricardo Cabral and Viriato Soromenho Marques (2014) and also of a section of the text “Portugal and European Integration, 1947–1992” authored by Lucia Coppolaro and Pedro Lains.
Students from the Faculty of Arts (FLUL) are already on Easter holidays.
Ricardo Cabral and Viriato Soromenho Marques (2014) - “Portugal: 40 Years of Democracy and Integration in the European Union” ( ).
Lucia Coppolaro and Pedro Lains (2013) – “Portugal and European Integration, 1947–1992: an essay on protected openness in the European Periphery”, e-JPH vol.11 no.1 Porto ( ).