
Pilot test

28 Maio 2020, 17:00 Jennifer Leigh McGarrigle Montezuma de Carvalho

In this session a pilot test was completed online given the novelty of this for students and professors.

A revision session based on q&a was held to support students in the revision for their test.

Wrap up session

28 Maio 2020, 15:00 Amandine Françoise Danielle Desille


Wrap session

27 Maio 2020, 15:00 Elisa da Palma Alves

Wrap session


21 Maio 2020, 17:00 Jennifer Leigh McGarrigle Montezuma de Carvalho

During this class, students are provided with a definition of "diasporas", as well as its development in social sciences. They learn more about the concept and its debates through the case of Portugal.

Amandine Desille


21 Maio 2020, 15:00 Amandine Françoise Danielle Desille

During this practical class, students analyse the following paper: Lacroix, T. (2014). Conceptualizing Transnational Engagements: A Structure and Agency Perspective on (Hometown) Transnationalism. International Migration Review, 48(3), 643–679. A set of questions are to be answered and debated.